Intellectual Output no 1 of the HEISE Project: Teachers’ Toolkit
The toolkit for teacher has been published in a form of an e-publication (downloadable .PDF, Chapter 4 of Ateca-Amestoy, V.; Äyvari, A.; Eskelinen, A.; Johansson, T.; Jyrämä, A.; Kanervo, R.; Kein, A.; Kiitsak-Prikk, K.; Pla- za, B.; Pusa, T.; Ranczakowska, A.; Sarlio-Siintola, S.; Sassi, M.; Simjanovska, V.; Tasser, C. (2019) Roadmap for Societal Engagement for Higher Education Institutions. Higher Education Institution for Societal Engagement. HEISE Project, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership.). The Tookit is also integrated into an online material available at
It consists of different pedagogical and methodological tools, focusing especially to the art based methods. Each approach and tool includes an explanation of what they are, how to work with them and suggestions on in what kinds of situations they can be used. It also contains advice on their benefits and shortcomings. There are also be examples describing some usages of the tools and videorecorded comments from the project team memebers.
The examples are in the form of cases, videos and learning games. The Toolkit contains references, visualizations on possible processes and dowloadbale tools.
Intellectual Output no 2 of the HEISE Project: Roadmap for HEIs for Societal Engagement and Impact
The Teachers’ Toolkit was the starting point to develop the Roadmap for HEIs for societal engagement. The HEIs Roadmap is a virtual process model (a Diamond Tool) available at, describing how the challenge solving model can be integrated to the overall societal impact model of HEIs and in what kinds of pre- and after requisites is needed from HEIs management. The impact assessment model has been integrated with the societal engagement model.
The Roadmap includes examples and visualizations. The Roadmap comes with explanations on how to build up the societal engagement model based on challenge solving as well as how to maintain it. It provides ways to calculate the resources needed in management as well as educational setting.
The Teachers’ Toolkit (IO1) and the Roadmap for HEIs (IO2) are available online HERE and dowloadable version is HERE