Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre
Anna is a graduate of the Cultural Management, Religion Philosophy and Tourism and
Recreation Management programmes. Actively participates in the academic
and administrative development of the Cultural Management MA program in
Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, being the coordinator of the
programme at the same time. Anna works as a project assistant in MAPSI.
In addition to her work, Anna serves as a project manager in variety of
cultural projects in Estonia and Poland, being actively committed to the
development of societal engagement of several cultural organizations in
Estonia in the same time. Ranczakowska-Ljutjuk has defended an A-level
master thesis on the topic: “Build upon values. The ethnographic study
of relationships between place and people”. She continues her research
on the multidimensional relationships between arts and society,
transformation of art’s engagement and culture as an innovative
approach to resolving societal crises from the action philosophical