Cultural Management Master students of the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre have been working on the case of Arvo Pärt Centre. The Arvo Pärt Center is facing a new situation as it is engaged to build a new premises into a rural area by forest and seaside in a small village. Throughout the process of challenge solving course, the key challenges are how to develop concept and framework for working with several communities’ expectations. During the challenge solving the focus was put to develop the future programme of APC for kids and educators, as the main connection point of the local community is through kids and families.
The students were piloting several methods on how to work with local communities and understand their needs and fears. They have organized jointly with Arvo Pärt Center, for example, forest walk and meditation event to gain insight to the relationship of the locals to the nature. In addition they have worked with educators from nearby schools testing service design and creative methods. As an outcome of the process the Arvo Pärt Center will gain tools to engage with the locals and have a more comprehensive overview of their different publics on local level. The experience also opened up the barriers of the art organization to engage in using these new tools.